PR Yourself with Leah Frazier: PR Strategies for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs
PR Yourself with Leah Frazier is a fun and informative DIY PR hub for small business owners, entrepreneurs and brands wanting to gain publicity, exposure, and press and media attention without the PR firm price. A noted "media maven", "plug" and coined as Dallas' Olivia Pope, Think Three Media CEO, Leah Frazier, brings in news anchors, influencers, PR pros, publicists, radio personalities, entrepreneurs and more to give practical advice, tips and PR strategies on how to generate publicity genuinely and consistently for your small business or brand -- not only for exposure, but for long-term success. But -- stay tuned for the PR Petty -- a hot and trending news topic where Leah has her guests weigh-in on how they would have "PR'd" it different. It's not rocket science -- it's just PR. And yes, you can do it...all by YOURSELF!
PR Yourself with Leah Frazier: PR Strategies for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs
Timing Your PR Pitches Just Right
Sure, the letters PR is in the word 'procrastination', but it doesn't make it right! In the world of pitches, media and news, timing is everything. For many small businesses and startups, you can't afford to pitch late or when it's down to the wire. Budgeting enough time for repetition, consistency and follow-ups is what will help you win the game. AND timing varies dependent upon the medium you desire (i.e. broadcast TV, magazines, digital outlets, etc.). Tune in as Leah dishes a few quick tips and tricks on how your timing can ultimately be your best PR guide.
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